In this article, I'm going to tell you how to reset the Explore page on your Instagram application so welcome to another article of Techsore.
- First, open Instagram.
- The Explorer option on Instagram is shown when you click on the search icon.
- So these are the Explore.
- So just click on that post you are not interested in.
- Now click on three dots.
- Click on not interested.
- So now onward this post has been hidden we will show fever post like this from now on.
- So select any post you are not interested in or you can select any reel as well just click on three dots click on not interested you can select any reason.
- I see too many reels like this
- I don't want to say reels with this audio
- I didn't want to see reels from this account.
- This topic doesn't interest me.
- This Real makes me uncomfortable
- So the best option is This topic doesn't interest me so you can select any of them.
- So I'm clicking on this topic doesn't interest me.
Now go back refresh and see the explore Pages changed from this so if you are not interested in something then do the same thing I have done.
If you have any doubt, then comment to me, I will tell you the solution to that doubt.
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