Today in this article I'm going to tell you how to fix FIFA 22 error that is the application encountered an unrecoverable error click ok to create a memory term so whenever you launch FIFA 22 if you are receiving this error message then please follow the steps written in this article.
Step 1: Enable Secure boot
Now the first step is to enable secure boot now before that type in Ms info 32 in the Windows search box and then click on system information now over here find secure boot State now this is on in my case if secure boot state is off in that case enable secure boot to enable secure boot shutdown you computer first so make sure that you shut down your computer now once you shut down your computer you have to start your computer so power on your laptop or desktop start your computer and immediately keep on tapping the BIOS key on the keyboard now for different brands the BIOS key may be different for Dell computer when you start the computer and when you immediately keep tapping F2 it will take you to system bios for HP for most of the HP computer when you press F10 when you start the computer it will take you to bios so for different brands the BIOS key may be different.
Step 2: Shut down your PC, start your PC and immediately keep tapping the BIOS key on the keyboard (such as F2/F10/F11, etc. the bios key differs for different brand PC)
So first of all shut down your computer and then go to system bios now once you are on the BIOS screen, you can go to you can use the arrow keys left and right arrows key or up and down arrow keys and go to the boot option now once you go to boot option scroll down using the down arrow key to go down over here you can see secure boot which is disabled right now so once you select it hit the enter key on the keyboard now it's telling me to secure boot enable or disabled you can select enable and then hit the enter key now once done now go to exit option you can use the side Arrow key exit and now save changes and exit hit the enter key click on yes now after the system restart login to YouTube and in the search box again type in Ms info 32 and then click on system information and over here secure boot state is on right now and now you can launch the game and you should not receive the error message again this has worked for me so it will work it should work for you.
Step 3: Uninstall EA AntiCheat And Reinstall it
But still you're facing the problem in that case uninstall EA anti-cheat and then reinstall it now for this go to the game installation folder now for this open File Explorer on a computer and then go to this PC now if you have installed the game on C drive open C drive go to program files and go to EA Games you you might find the game over here now if you have installed the game from origin then go to program files x86 and then open the origin games folder over here you will find the game folder now if you have installed the game from E app in that case go to C drive and go to program files and then go to EA Games over here you will find it now in my case the game is installed in E drive so I will open the FIFA 22 folder so open the FIFA 22 folder then open the installer folder now open EA anti-cheat folder and over here you will see EA entity installer exe now make a right click then click on run as administrator then click on yes now click on this drop down option select FIFA 22 and then click on uninstall now again click on install and over here you can see install success now launch the game.
Step 4: Uninstall EA AntiCheat, open Origin/EA App as an administrator, and launch the game, it will reinstall EA AntiCheat
Still, you are receiving the error message then uninstall the EA entity again go to the game installation folder make a right click over here and then click on run as administrator and then click on yes now select FIFA 22 uninstall now don't install it close this window now go to the origin or EA app and now click on the play you have to launch origin as an administrator so close this.
Step 5: Uninstall EA AntiCheat, open Origin/EA App as an administrator, and launch the game, it will reinstall EA AntiCheat
If you receive this error message so after you uninstall EA anti-cheat if e app or origin is open close it and then open origin as an administrator so make a right click and then click on run as an administrator click on yes to allow now go to the library and then click on FIFA 22 and then click on the play now over here you will see reinstall EA and teach it so click on reinstall EA and teach it successfully installed EA entity please relaunch the game so close this Now launch the game so over here you can see the game is launching successfully so this is how you can fix it.
Step 6: Follow the steps from this article:
Now still you're receiving the error message then please follow the steps from this video now I made a separate video over here now the error is different but please try Steps From Here There is a long triple shooting step so you can follow this so for many users these steps have worked so you can try this.
So one of the steps should help you to get rid of the error so that'll be all thank you so much for your precious time and please appreciate our work through your valuable comment.
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